Centre 2 Educators

  • Natalie Director centre 2

    Years of Experience:   I have been in the industry for around 23 yrs
    Qualifications & Training: My qualifications are Diploma in Early Childcare Services and currently Studying Advanced Sector Management
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I think one thing I can pass on to a child is a sense of belonging and being, but above all the need to be heard and understood and setting the foundations for the fundamentals in life in experiencing fun and learning in a happy and safe environment, throughout childhood.
    Why I love working with children:  I find that working and interacting with children of all backgrounds lets me be a part of their heritage and culture and we can all learn from each other. I also love watching them grow from small little toddlers into there early childhood and creating memories and expanding their imagination for an exciting childhood, watching them spread their wings and excel.

  • Rachel Early Childhood Teacher

    Years of Experience:   I have been in Early Childhood Education for 5 years
    Qualifications & Training:  Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
    What I would like children to learn from me: The most important thing I would love children to learn from me is to develop a lifelong love of learning. I aim to have a fun, kind, engaging classroom where I want the children to enjoy playing and learning as they grow, explore, and discover. I love the saying “you learn something new every day”.  It is amazing to share the joy and excitement as we learn in Kindy together. We learn new things every day and I hope this stays with them for life!
    Why I love working with children: It is a pleasure to be a part of the children’s learning journey. I love working with children because they are honest, fun and bring new adventure to every day. I am passionate about teaching and look forward to supporting and encouraging the children as we embark on the wonderful adventure of play-based learning. I love the Kindy age group as this year marks one of the most important milestones in their life. The skills we practice daily in Kindy are the building blocks for the children’s future success in school and in life.

  • Julie Lead Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been a early years educator for 26 years. For the past 11 years I’ve worked at Childs World.
    Qualifications & Training:  I hold a Diploma of Children’s Services.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I believe the biggest gift you can give a child is independence and this can be achieved through nurture, kindness and education.
    Why I love working with children: To watch them grow and learn through the amazing experiences we provide daily is so rewarding. Children offer honesty, kindness and acceptance to everyone around them.

  • Lily Nursery Lead Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been in the childcare industry for 4 years which have all been here at Childs World
    Qualifications & Training: I hold a diploma in Early Education and Care
    What I would like children to learn from me: I would like children to learn what I think we are all still learning and that is self regulation, how to be in control of ourselves and the ability to manage our feelings and behaviour. Self control is a super power. For the Nursery children I would like them to learn from me ,creativity, listening to music, singing, lots of laughter, kindness and patience.
    Why I love working with children: I love working with children as they have mastered the art of happiness, which is being in the moment. They are curious and often fearless and brave. Children want to learn and they learn all day every day by playing and observing. Children keep things very simple and it is nice to remind myself to slow down and take in the wonder and curiosity as they do.

  • Nicole Lead Educator

    Years of Experience: I have over 6 years experience working in childcare.
    Qualifications & Training:  Currently studying a Diploma in Children's Services and hold a Certificate III in Child Care.
    What I would like children to learn from me: I think the most important thing I would like the children to learn from me is to have manners and be kind. Teaching them the life skills that they will need in there growing years, to become little independent children.
    Why I love working with children: Working with children reminds me of how fun and amazing the world can be. I love helping children grow and learn. My favourite part would have to be seeing then smile and having lots of fun, with the feeling of boing and belonging and cared for in a nurturing environment.

  • Vanessa Lead Educator & Cook

    Years of Experience:  I have been working in child care industry for over 30 years and have been working at Childs World for the past 9 years.
    Qualifications & Training:  I hold a Diploma of Early Childcare.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I would like the children to develop within their own individual needs and I enjoy supporting them to engage in their interests and development.
    Why I love working with children: Working with children is the most rewarding job. To see them grow and develop to their full potential like a flower that grow’s and blooms. Children learn to be part of a community within their own way by Being, Becoming and Belonging. There is a saying: The more you study the world through ancient wisdom, the more you see the universe through the eyes of a child. The most simple and natural things in life are usually the most profound and magical . I love the innocence of a child and enjoy nurturing their development.

  • Joesie Assistant Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been working Here at Childs world for seven years, having started in 2016 as a afloat between different rooms in various centres.
    Qualifications & Training: I achieved my cert 3 in my first year in Childs world and completed my Diploma in early childhood education and care in 2021.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I have loved building responsive positive.and nurturing relationships with each child in my care and developing positive relationship with their families. I feel it is important for each child to learn self confidence & acceptance.
    Why I love working with children:  Working with children since the beginning was the best experience for me as I enjoy watching them learn & grow into amazing little people.I strongly believe that when a child feels comfortable and safe,they become confident to explore, learn and grow.

  • Apple Assistant Educator

    Years of Experience:   I have been in the childcare industry for 2 years.
    Qualifications & Training:  I hold a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
    What I would like children to learn from me:  Children watch us every day, and what they see or hear will guide them through life. We are the role models they have in front of their eyes all the time, and this is a huge responsibility. I would like them learn how to respect each other. The things we say or do will define how they understand life and how they think about themselves. This thought makes me want to become a better person every day. It makes me want the children to become.
    Why I love working with children: Working with kids is fun! Working with children reminds me of how amazing and exciting the world can be. You’ll love seeing things from their eyes. It makes you a happier and more positive person in your day to day life. Children also encourage to use my imagination and find new creative ways to do things.

  • Krystal Assistant Educator

    Years of Experience:   I have been in the childcare industry for 3 months
    Qualifications & Training: Certificate 3 in Early Childhood Education
    What I would like children to learn from me: I would like children to learn how to be kind to each other, how to share with one another and most importantly how to navigate their surroundings with one another safely, respectfully and happily.
    Why I love working with children: I love watching the children grow and explore the world through their own eyes. The first 5 years of a child’s live is vital, I enjoy getting to be apart of the process of them developing and reaching their milestones. I love being able to make sure the kids are happy and safe while away from their families. Each child is unique in their own way and that’s what I love about them.

  • Abbey Assistant Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been in the childcare industry for 4 years 
    Qualifications & Training: I hold a Certificate 3 in Early Childhood Education & Care
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I would like children to learn respect, basic manners, social skills and form healthy relationships with other children and educators from me.
    Why I love working with children:  I love working with children because I love watching them grow into their own little people and build their own personalities.

  • Codie Assistant Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been working in child care industry for nearly 1 year.
    Qualifications & Training:  Currently studying Certificate III in Childcare.
    What I would like children to learn from me: Something I want the children to learn from me would be that they can be themselves and to be kind to our peers, share and show love and respect to each other.
    Why I love working with children: I love working with children because they are always cheerful and I love watching them grow and gain different skills, and watch their little minds explore and investigate new things.

  • Kaidence Assistant in Toddlers

    Years of Experience: I've been with Child’s World for 1yr.
    Qualifications & Training: I am doing a traineeship for my Cert III in Early Childhoodhold.
    What I would like children to learn from me: I hope the children learn to be themselves, to be respectful to everyone and to always have fun. I do this by role modelling with the children, teaching them to respect each other with manners, respecting others differences and boundaries and having a positive attitude. 
    Why I love working with children: Children have the biggest personalities, they’re honest and funny. It’s amazing watching them grow, learn, and become their own person. I love watching them and being part of their journey from nursery onwards, its amazing to learn about children development and teach them skills and give them opportunities to grow and develop.