Centre 4 Educators

  • Sarah Director Centre 4 & Educational Leader

    Years of Experience:   I have been working in the childcare industry for 15 years, I Have had various roles from Kitchen, float, room leader, Educational Leader and Director. I’ve been at Childs World for 5 years.
    Qualifications & Training: Diploma in Children Services.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  Patience and Kindness, accepting everyone for their differences and overcoming challenges together. 
    Why I love working with children:  I love watching them grow and learn and become who they are, giving them the tools and skills in life to develop. I love being able to be part of a child and a family’s journey through life, its such a rewarding feeling. 

  • Jamie Early Childhood Teacher

    Years of Experience:   I have been a teacher in school and early learning environments for the past 7 years. I have been teaching kindergarten at Childs World for 5 years and will be going into my 6th year of Kindergarten teaching this year.
    Qualifications & Training: I have a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood).
    What I would like children to learn from me: I would like children to learn from me how to persevere when faced with challenges, to develop a love of learning and willingness to try new things. I want them to learn how to be kind, confident individuals. 
    Why I love working with children: Children view the world in such innocent and curious ways. They are filled with wonder and creativity and help me see the world in the same way. I love seeing that spark in their eyes and watching it all “click” into place when they learn something new. I love creating learning experiences that fill them with excitement and challenge them to extend on their skills. 

  • Terry Nursery Lead Educator

    Years of Experience:   13 years experience working with children, most of these have been in the nursery with babies
    Qualifications & Training: Diploma in Children’s services
    What I would like children to learn from me: Almost everything is new to a baby so I would like children to learn to be confident and nurtured as they explore and set the foundation  for curiosity as they start on their learning journey.

  • Tanya Lead Educator

    Years of Experience:  6 years.
    Qualifications & Training:  I have my Diploma in Children’s Services.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I want children to learn how to have fun! I like to role model with the children, being messy and to be themselves. I want them to learn about the world and have a great time, having the skills and building their resilience. 
    Why I love working with children: I love working with children because we are so lucky to be such a big part of a child’s journey. We get to be on their level and join in play, having fun and building relationships with our families. 

  • Lesha Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been in the childcare industry for 6 years.
    Qualifications & Training: Qualifications & Training: Certificate III and Diploma in Early Childhood and Education and Care.
    What I would like children to learn from me: I want to teach my children to see the real beauty in people, kindness, love, respect. I want to be able to teach all children to be respectful and give back to others.
    Why I love working with children: I love working with children as I love watching them grow and learn through their different milestone’s stages. Enjoy passing on valuable life skills. I love being able to be part of their journey and getting to know their individual personalities and their families. 

  • Joy Float and Kitchen

    Years of Experience: I have been working in the childcare industry for 20 years.
    Qualifications & Training: I hold a Diploma in children services.
    What I would like children to learn from me: First and foremost I always want children to learn from me that they can trust me and feel safe and secure. I love to see them learning self help skills and to build their confidence. 
    Why I love working with children: I want them to learn self love, self respect, and respect towards others. I want them to learn to have a voice and know they are being hurt and building self worth and self esteem, growing, and evolving. 

  • Antoinette School Aged Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been working in Childcare for 15 years. For 7 of these I gace had the pleasure of Childs World for 7 years and will continue to do so into the future.
    Qualifications & Training: I current hold my Certificate III in Children’s Services. I am looking to obtain my Diploma soon.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I would love children to learn to be kind and respectful to each other. To build a happy and trusting environment to ensure a strong sense of being and well-being. 
    Why I love working with children:  I love being with children and helping the grow, and part of their journey. I came from a large family and have always been around children of different ages, I like to share my knowledge and cultural background. I like to have fun and being part of a community, I love that parents can trust me and can be part of their family. 

  • Kate Kindy Assistant & Inclusion Support

    Years of Experience: I have work in childcare industry for 10 years. For the last 5 years and 7 months I have work at Childs World Early Learning.
    Qualifications & Training: I hold and Cert III & Diploma of Early Childhood Learning.
    What I would like children to learn from me: To form a healthy relationship with other children, also to learn to get along with other children, share take turns listen to other, communication with their ideas and to become more independent. Develop good habits in life, fine and gross motor skills, hand eye coordination, problem solving skills body awareness. 
    Why I love working with children: Taking part in their everyday learning watching them grow. Developing a trusting and strong relationship with each child and their families. Everyday is a successful day weather big or small accomplishment. Giving each child lots of opportunities to learn through play and to extend on their interest. To encourage children to grow strong in their social and emotional well being . 

  • Mata Lead Educator

    Years of Experience:  9 years.
    Qualifications & Training: Certificate III  & Diploma in Children Services.
    What I would like children to learn from me: I would like to encourage children to grow strong in their social and emotional wellbeing and to promote kindness, respect and care for one another in their environment.
    Why I love working with children:  Working with children is fun for me as an early childhood Educator as I can watch children grow and develop into confident, sufficient learners. It is also an opportunity learn something different about each child. Children are special and unique in their own ways. Watching children develop and learn new skills, reaching each of their milestones in life and growing up to be healthy kids has always been something I enjoy.  I love how children have endless energy to explore their environment and are honest and loving toward others. 

  • Moirea Nursery Lead Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been in the childcare industry for 6 years.
    Qualifications & Training: I hold my Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care.
    What I would like children to learn from me: The most important thing I would like children to learn from me is respect. Respect is one of the most important virtues a child can have. Also to feel a sense of belonging and knowing that I am there for them on a daily basis.
    Why I love working with children: Working with children reminds you of how amazing and exciting the world can be. Children watch us everyday, and what they see or hear will guide them through life. Growing up in a big family I’ve always loved being around children. Seeing them grow and learn new things, and developing a trusting and strong relationship with the children and their family. One of my many favourite bible verse is, Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. 

  • Kylie Bus Driver and Educator

    Years of Experience:  2 Years.
    Qualifications & Training:  I am currently studying my Certificate 3 in Childcare..
    What I would like children to learn from me: The biggest thing I want children to learn from me is respect. Respect for each other and how to treat others with kindness, I like to teach this by remodelling. 
    Why I love working with children: I love seeing them have fun and being part of that fun! I love them join in on play and teaching the children to be respectful, inclusive and to have fun. I enjoy being able to watch the children grow and learn as we become part of their family.  

  • Patrina Toddler Educator

    Years of Experience:  I have been in the childcare industry for 6 years.
    Qualifications & Training:  I have my Diploma in Early Childhood as well as a Cert II in Tourism.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  I would like children to learn respect and to be kind to one another. Seeing them happy makes me happy, as well as teaching them to make healthy choices. 
    Why I love working with children: First of all I love working with children because I coming to work makes me feel wholesome and its so worthwhile, because I come from such a big family and we are so passionate about looking after children. I came to day-care, and treat the children as my own. I get to work and watch the children learn, enjoy and play, by providing children opportunities to extend on their interests. As Educators we are to care for them and their well being and treat them as God treats us, his children with love, care and compassion. 

  • Ariana Assistant Educator

    Years of Experience:  1 year.
    Qualifications & Training: Studying my Certificate III in Children’s Services.
    What I would like children to learn from me: I would like to be a role model and show children how to be compassionate and caring towards each other. I would also like to teach them how to do things more independently whilst also letting them know that if they need help, the educators are always there to help. As an upcoming sport teacher, I would also like to teach them the importance of a healthy lifestyle, from eating healthy and being physically active. 
    Why I love working with children: I love working with kids as it is fun to learn how the explore things and figure out the world around them. Its fun to show them things that they have never been shown before and teaching them about the world as well. I also enjoy running around and playing with them as well. I especially love watching kids getting along with each other and making new friends. 

  • Taja Assistant Educator

    Years of Experience:  I am recently only new to the childcare industry, yet have grown such a love and passion for this industry in this small time and can't wait to see what is ahead. I started working with Childs World at the end of 2022.
    Qualifications & Training: I am currently studying my Cert 3 in Early Childhood Education & Care.
    What I would like children to learn from me:  What I would like for children to learn from me is creativity, happiness and to grow a little everyday supporting them along the way. 
    Why I love working with children:  Working with children in early education has been the most rewarding job I've had. Seeing children learn everyday through play activities, us educators and one another makes me so proud and happy. I am so privileged to be able to nurture and teach children new things every day and receiving positive reactions and outcomes makes it all very worthwhile.